Phasmophobia Boardgame Adaptation

A boardgame adaptation of the game Phasmophobia. (2-4 Players)

Assets/Rulebook Link

Online Playable Link


This was a group project between Kevin Lewis, Henry Mattingly, Juan Alvarado, Jose Velarde-Ruiz, Trisha Kopula and Minmini Sanganathan.

What I Worked On

I created the initial prototype and ideation for the mechanics of this game. I held playtests and refined mechanics. I implemented the game into Tabletop Simulator to be able to be played online.

Worked Well

I feel the game is as close to adapting the mechanics of the original game as it can, and it actually can be pretty fun. There are a couple of different game systems in play that allow for different types of play styles, which was our goal as we didn’t want everyone to have to play the game the same way.

Potential Improvements

We didn’t have a lot of time to work on this project, so our map size and assets are a little plain. We only have one map, so a game with 2 players will play a little bit differently than a game with 5 players, especially for the lone ghost player. If we had more time, we definitely would have implemented at least 2 more maps to match how the original game has different map sizes based on recommended amount of players. Also, in the original game there were way more equipment items that are usable by the players that we didn’t get to explore and implement.


Royal Dash


Field Goal