Sounds Remix - Creative Coding


Original Link: by Adam Carter

My Remix Link:




Left and Right arrows: Adjust length of the drawn line.

Up and Down arrows: Adjust the height at which the line is drawn.

Also, any song can be used you just have to change the name and insert the song you want.



There are two major changes that I wanted to make for this project.

The first was making the lines more customizable by making the user able to adjust the sizes of the lines for the music. I was able to do this by going around and adjusting values until the things I wanted to change were changed, then swapping those values to variables and made them adjustable by the arrow keys.

The second change I wanted to make was the amount of particles that spawned to change based on the size of the center circle. I passed the size of the circle, which was calculated by the amplitude of the song, and then passed it to the add particles where it spawned a variable amount based on that size.

I also made it so it randomly flashes different colors to make it look a little more lively as well.


3D & WEBGL - (Creative Coding)


Sounds - (Creative Coding)